Hereby we would like to inform you about the upcoming change of address of Roemeg B.V.
As of November 1st 2014 we will be moving from our current location to our new business complex. Our new location situates more than 1300 m2 and is located at the area of “Groenewoud”, the same area as where we are located at this moment. For us this means we will be moving less than one kilometer away, but with great benefits for our clients. Due to the growth of Roemeg in the past years our current location has reached its limits. Our new office will be better reachable, has more facilities, a bigger and better showroom and more warehouse space. In short: we are looking forward to our change of address so we can help you even better than before.
Before, during and after the moving date we are attainable at our phone number +31 (0)416 391 099 or via email and/or our contact form.
After the 1st of November you are more than welcome to visit us and see the new showroom for yourself. If you would like to have some information now or want to request an offer please contact us, we are happy to help you.
Kind regards,
Team Roemeg
As of November 1st our new address will be:
Thomas Edisonweg 65
5151 DH Drunen
The Netherlands